John Reagle bio
John Reagle was born June 6, 1971, in Biloxi, Mississippi, and lived there until his father, John Sr., inherited the 250-acre farm just outside Oxford in 1975.
Johnny married right out of high school, and he and his wife, Evelyn, lived at the farm to help his parents. Evelyn was earnest about helping his mother, Juby, with the chores of a farmer's wife. Of course, living and working with his parents meant Johnny didn't have to look for a full-time job.
Johnny's father worked the farm until he passed away in 2001, and Johnny's mother soon followed her husband in death. Johnny, along with his two younger brothers and younger sister, inherited the farm.
Johnny's siblings had moved out of the family home as soon as they were old enough because they wanted nothing to do with farming. They all currently live and work around or in Yoknapatawpha County. They still own their percentage of the farm and will share in the profits, if ever the land is sold.
After Johnny's parents died, he and Evelyn continued to live on and work the farm. Johnny has maintained the farm the best he can but struggles due to his binge drinking. He mismanages his money, so when he's on a bender, the farm work can be neglected for weeks at a time because he can't afford to hire help.
Johnny has considered giving up farming completely and selling off some of the land, but he refuses to negotiate his inflated asking prince, so potential deals always fall through.
When Johnny isn't drinking, he's a warm and genial guy, but when he's intoxicated, he can be unpredictable. Despite his intelligence and inventiveness, Johnny is known around town as a braggart and often isn't taken seriously because of his drinking. Several of his social acquaintances consider him an annoyance but quite harmless.
Johnny and Evelyn have been separated since she left him in December 2013 and moved in with her mother in Oxford. They're still legally married, but their divorce is pending and should become final sometime within a month or two.
Johnny has had a few live-in girlfriends since his wife left him, and the latest one, Lisa Holman, left town a month ago. Since Lisa left, Johnny's luck with the ladies has run dry. He hasn't dated anyone, although he always has his eyes open for another woman.
Johnny has never been in trouble with the law except for traffic violations, mostly speeding and parking tickets. He has no outstanding unpaid traffic tickets, but has gained several points on his driver's license and is in jeopardy of losing it. He drives an older pickup that burns oil, and friends have told him that the truck should be shot and put out of its misery.
On July 13, 2014, John Reagle was arrested outside Duffy's Bar & Grill after he was found in possession of a severed human hand.