Cindy Fine bio
Cindy Fine was born Cynthia Judith Campbell on June 6, 1975, the older daughter of Michael and Natasha Campbell.
Michael worked as a music teacher in the local elementary schools. He supplemented the family income by teaching private piano lessons and playing the organ for several local churches.
From an early age, Cindy loved accompanying her father on his Sunday rounds and hearing the uplifting songs of the church choirs. When she was old enough, she began reading music and soon joined the ranks of the children's chorus.
In fact, the entire family was active in church life. Natasha was perhaps more devout than her husband, but Michael's enthusiastic participation in sing-a-longs and holiday pageants inspired his daughters more than their mother's prim style. Cindy and her younger sister, Robyn, embraced Christianity wholeheartedly, and their social world revolved around church activities and friendships.
As the girls entered adolescence, they remained active in church life. Cindy volunteered and led youth retreats throughout her teenage years. Robyn had more of a rebellious streak.
Although Robyn continued to attend services every Sunday, she engaged in more typical teenage preoccupations. While Robyn dated several boys seriously before she graduated, Cindy kept her romances chaste and distanced, reserving her passion for God. Robyn was also more academically ambitious than Cindy, whose teachers considered her a willing if not especially gifted student.
The sisters' diverging paths put a strain on their friendship, with Cindy imploring Robyn to avoid unwholesome situations and Robyn dismissing her older sister's preaching. Cindy was hurt by the distance growing between them and reacted by throwing herself further into church life.
Cindy graduated from high school in 1993 without much of a plan for the future. She got a job at Oxford Fabric Center, where she could exercise her expertise with a needle and thread. She also sidelined as a seamstress, gaining a reputation for quick, accurate, and versatile work.
With Robyn still in high school and enjoying her own social set, Cindy was lonely. When Carl Fine asked her out, she took a more serious interest in him than in any of her high school dates.
A quiet and intense young man five years her elder, Carl had been in the church chorus with Cindy for years. He waited until she graduated from high school to ask her out, and now, she was grateful for his company. With his gentlemanly demeanor, Cindy never had to worry that Carl would try to take advantage of her.
Still, Cindy was intrigued by Carl's younger brother, Andy, who seemed to be Carl's exact opposite. Andy had been a high school athlete, was a rambunctious practical joker, and had developed a reputation as a brawler before leaving for the Navy. Since he'd been back, Andy had settled down just enough to hold down a job and come to church every week, but still had a zest for life Carl seemed to lack.
When Andy started flirting with her, Cindy felt flattered. Vowing that she could help set Andy on a more responsible path, she broke up with Carl to go out with Andy.
Feeling genuinely in love for the first time, Cindy threw caution to the wind. She accepted Andy's marriage proposal in 1995, at the age of 20 and a scant six months after they began dating. After the wedding, she moved out of her parents' house and into his apartment.
Married life proved difficult for Cindy. Even with Andy's job as a mechanic and her sewing work, there wasn't much money. Moreover, Andy didn't settle down as Cindy hoped, preferring a devil-may-care lifestyle rather than devoting himself to work and God.
Cindy's life was considerably brightened by her renewed friendship with Robyn. Cindy's sister had gotten a general nursing certification and was now working at a medical office in Oxford. With studies behind her, Robyn had more time for her Cindy, and the two sisters again became inseparable.Robyn had met Bill Dykman at college, and when they married in 2001, Cindy was ecstatic to be the matron of honor.
On Monday, July 7, 2014, Cindy reported her husband missing when he failed to come home for several days. Andy had never stayed away so long before, and Cindy was worried something had happened to him.