Carl Fine interview
Thursday, July 17, 2014 – 2:00 p.m.
Carl Fine is Andy Fine's half-brother.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Carl Fine
Detective Murphy: Thank you for coming in. We appreciate you talking to us. This must be a tough time for you.
Carl Fine: I'm hanging in there, I reckon. About as well as can be expected.
Detective Armstrong: For the record, can you please state your name and address?
Carl Fine: I'm Carl Fine, and I live at 108 Warren Street.
Detective Murphy: And your relationship to Andy Fine?
Carl Fine: He was my half-brother.
Detective Armstrong: Younger or older?
Carl Fine: I'm about two and a half years older.
Detective Murphy: Can you tell us about your relationship with Andy?
Carl Fine: Well, it's no secret that Andy had a bit of a temper, so he could be tough to get along with. But at the same time, I did my best to keep our relationship on a solid footing. So although I ain't blind to his bad qualities, I still think we cared for each other as brothers should.
Detective Armstrong: I don't mean to be disrespectful, so I apologize if this sounds rude—
Carl Fine: Go ahead. Say whatever you want.
Detective Armstrong: But why bother? I mean, plenty of people seemed to be ready to give up on Andy. Why go to all the trouble?
Carl Fine: Family, I suppose. Nothing more, nothing less. When I lost my daddy, it really taught me how important family is. Plus, my stepfather, Robert, was always real square with me. He treated me just as well as he treated his real son. That always meant a lot to me. So I think I felt like I owed it to him to maintain a relationship with Andy. I tried to look out for him when I could.
Detective Murphy: How would you describe Andy's relationship with his wife?
Carl Fine: They had their ups and downs, like all couples. I suppose it was a good relationship, though.
Detective Armstrong: You used to date her, didn't you?
Carl Fine: I did. A long time ago.
Detective Armstrong: How'd that make you feel? When she left you to go out with him?
Carl Fine: I wasn't happy about it, but people gotta do what's right for them.
Detective Armstrong: You sound like you handled it pretty well. You're not jealous or pissed or anything?
Carl Fine: I ain't the type to hold a grudge. A man and woman want to be together, I'm not going to begrudge them nothing. Besides, if they really want to see each other, you're not going to stop them. I just figured I'd get out of the way, and we'd all be a lot happier than if I made a big deal about it.
Detective Murphy: When was the last time you saw Andy?
Carl Fine: It was right before the holiday. July 3rd.
Detective Murphy: What did y'all do?
Carl Fine: We went to Duffy's. Andy give me a call and told me to meet them up there.
Detective Armstrong: What happened that night?
Carl Fine: We had some drinks. Hung out. Played some pool. The usual night out.
Detective Armstrong: We've heard that Andy was pretty wound up that night.
Carl Fine: Yeah, I guess he was. He got pretty drunk and started in on people. Like he was wont to do. He argued with Cindy over some silly stuff and then got into an argument with some of the guys.
Detective Armstrong: Which guys?
Carl Fine: Folks like Dudley Brinkman, Eddie Dooley, and those guys. It was annoying, but at the same time, a standard night out with Andy.
Detective Murphy: Nothing out of the ordinary at all?
Carl Fine: Well, he lost his watch that night. My stepfather gave him a watch when he went into the Navy and, you know, it meant a lot to him. He claimed somebody stole it, but hell, he was so tanked, I don't know why he'd know that.
Detective Armstrong: Tanked, huh?
Carl Fine: Yeah, he'd had a few beverages. That ain't against the law, is it?
Detective Armstrong: No, didn't mean anything by it.
Carl Fine: So he thought someone stole the watch, and he got real riled up. He argued with Cindy, and she finally just left. She just figured to let him blow off some steam, and so she got out of there.
Detective Murphy: Do you remember what time Cindy left?
Carl Fine: I don't recall exactly. Maybe around 12:15 or so.
Detective Armstrong: Then what happened?
Carl Fine: Andy turned on me, and we squared off. We argued for a while, and then I said to hell with him too. I left him there about 12:40 or 12:45. Somewhere thereabouts.
Detective Murphy: And where did you go?
Carl Fine: I went home.
Detective Murphy: Did anyone see you or can anyone confirm that?
Carl Fine: Well, I live alone. So ain't no one that can vouch for that, if that's what you're getting at. Think I killed my brother?
Detective Murphy: I didn't mean any offense. We have to ask certain questions.
Carl Fine: I stopped at the Chevron. Got a chicken-on-a-stick. I suppose that kid working behind the counter might remember me.
Detective Armstrong: What kind of car do you drive?
Carl Fine: No car. I drive a Jeep.
Detective Murphy: Do you know what Andy did after you left Duffy's?
Carl Fine: I don't know any real details. I've heard he sat around the bar just pissing on people, and then he left. Walked home, I suppose. I don't know how he got out to Aunt Minnie's.
Detective Murphy: How often did he go out to that farmhouse?
Carl Fine: He went out there right regular. He used it as a party place and also just a quiet place to get away.
Detective Armstrong: Do you go out there much yourself?
Carl Fine: I go out there some—or used to—but no, I don't get out there that much.
Detective Murphy: Why not?
Carl Fine: Just too busy, I reckon.
Detective Armstrong: When was the last time you were there?
Carl Fine: Uh, back in late winter, early spring, I think. I went out there to cut a few cords of wood. Most of it's still in my backyard, so it must've been pretty late.
Detective Murphy: Did you know that Andy was going out there on that night of July 3rd?
Carl Fine: No. He never mentioned he was going.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know if Andy owned a gun?
Carl Fine: Sure. He had a couple, I believe. A light shotgun, maybe a .410. And a pistol.
Detective Murphy: You act like that's not a big deal?
Carl Fine: You must've been watching too much liberal TV from up in New York or something. Almost every male in this county owns a gun and a whole lot of the females too. That's no big deal.
Detective Armstrong: Okay, do you have any idea what might have happened to him?
Carl Fine: Nah, I don't. I've thought on that quite a bit, but I can't come up with any ideas.
Detective Murphy: Do you know anyone who would have wanted to hurt Andy?
Carl Fine: Not really. I mean, like I told you, Andy could be a real sonuvagun, and he was tough to be around. But at the same time, that's just the way he was. Everyone knew that. He's always been that way. I don't know what would've set someone off now.
Detective Armstrong: What about his job? Was he happy there? Did he get along with people?
Carl Fine: Sure, as far as I know.
Detective Murphy: Okay, Mr. Fine. I think that'll do us for now. If you think of anything else that might help us, please give us a call.
Carl Fine: Sure.
Interview ended – 2:31 p.m.