Professor Lowry's trash

Zach went through Professor Lowry's trash looking for clues

After Professor Lowry chased us away, Zach went back.

He dug through Professor Lowry's office trash and found some interesting items like a rejection letter from a publishing house and a memo that he sent to the head of the history department.

Here's an inventory of what we found.

  • A rejection letter from Solomon and Solomon publishers
  • A memo from Prof. Lowry to Dr. Miller
  • Issue of USA Today, 8/6/2015
  • Issue of university newspaper, Daily Mississippian, 7/23/2015
  • Receipt from Biolite Supplies, for item #B428-F6331. Total receipt for $74.19
  • A bag from Popeye's Chicken, containing empty chicken container, empty cup and dirty napkins
  • Candy bar wrappers
  • Zach went through Professor Lowry's trash looking for cluesNotes with library call numbers
  • Brown apple core
  • Orange peels
  • Empty antihistamine spray bottle
  • Lots of dirty Kleenex
  • Three Diet Coke cans
  • Piece of paper with local phone number
  • Broken CD / DVD case
  • University PR releases
  • Empty cigarette pack
  • Styrofoam cup with coffee grounds
  • Dry ink pen
  • Fingernail clippings


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