CSA soldier Jackson letter

The Kudzu Kids found some letters in the library related to General Shegog's time in Oxford

We spent a whole afternoon in the Ole Miss library looking through all the Civil War stuff they have in the special collections room.

We came across some letters that were written by Confederate soldiers in Oxford at the same time as General Shegog, including this one from Cleveland Jackson.

Rachel typed it up — just as it was written — so you can read it here.

November 24, 1862

Letter to the Office of Confederate President Jefferson Davis

To the Honorible President Jefferson.

The Kudzu Kids found a letter from Southern soldier Cleveland Jackson in the university libraryI hope this letter finds you quikly because I fear for are Position today at Oxford. I write you Mister President as there are no Sensable men here.

They have all fallen under the Tricks of a disturbed General Shegog who has taken Refug with Yankees and conspired again are men. His tactiks are base. He has no good mind to prepare us for Grant and the Yanks who should be upon us directly.

This man Shegog says he is building Guns in the Earth to hide and asault the Yanks when they arrive but I fear he is digging our graves here.

My legs were burned at Holly Springs and I was brought here to a hospital. It is a Flurrie of activitys here.

The General has slaves and more Men here digging under the Chapel.

The General has put into command a Yankee who has demanded we surrender all are valubles and says we are to hide in the ground tunnels to.

I hope you send your Men to check out this Mad General. He is defeating the Purpose of this Cause. He is skeeming with the Yanks and gone crazy according to most in these ranks.

Though I may be near death I hope this letter can be one last duty of service to our Proud Confederacy.

Your humble servant,

Cleveland Jackson


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