Smiling young woman with long dark hair

Donna Sowa interview

The detectives asked Pearce Brokers employee Donna what she knew about Annette Wyatt.

Balding man with light brown hair and mustache

Nathan Mistillis bio

After he left teaching, Nathan switched to a career in real estate.

Balding man with light brown hair and mustache

Nathan Mistillis interview

The detectives asked Pearce Brokers employee Nathan what information he had about Annette Wyatt.

Smiling woman with strawberry blonde hair

Tara Copeland bio

After job-hopping for several years, Tara has worked at Pearce Brokers since 2015.

Smiling woman with strawberry blonde hair

Tara Copeland interview

The detectives spoke to Pearce Brokers' receptionist to find out what she knew about Annette.

Smiling woman with dark hair

Joanna Grubman bio

Joanna has always been fiercely protective of her loved ones.

Smiling woman with dark hair

Joanna Grubman interview

The detectives asked Kurt's wife about Annette's relationship with her and others.

Smiling woman with auburn hair

Elena Harte bio

Elena dotes on her husband and is thrilled they are expecting their first child.

Smiling woman with auburn hair

Elena Harte interview

The detectives talked to Jeff's wife about her relationship with his employee and former girlfriend, Annette.

Fashionable older woman with blonde hair

Chris Frost bio

Chris recently bought her first home through the Harte Agency.

Fashionable older woman with blonde hair

Chris Frost interview

The detectives spoke to one of Annette's former clients about their relationship.

Vehicles parked in a lot

Witness vehicles

YCSD investigators compiled a list of vehicles registered to persons of interest in the case.

Handsome businessman in an office setting labeled "Alibi Check"

Jeff Harte alibi check

Investigators canvassed potential witnesses to try to corroborate Jeff's alibi.

Smiling woman with short dark hair with the label "Alibi Check"

Sofia Church alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Sofia's alibi.

Woman with long dark hair with the label "Alibi Check"

Meg Lancaster alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Meg's alibi.

Smiling woman with dark hair and a serious-looking clean cut man with the label "Alibi Check"

Kurt & Joanna Grubman alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate the Grubmans' alibis.

Scruffy young man with the label "Alibi Check"

Elliott Owens alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Elliott's alibi.

Interviews to try to corroborate Nathan Mistillis' alibi

Nathan Mistillis alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Nathan's alibi.

Woman with short auburn hair with the label "Alibi Check"

Rita Pearce alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Rita's alibi.

Smiling woman with strawberry blonde hair with the label "Alibi Check"

Tara Copeland alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Tara's alibi.

Smiling young woman with long dark hair with the label "Alibi Check"

Donna Sowa alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Donna's alibi.

Broadly smiling woman with platinum blonde hair with the label "Alibi Check"

Naomi Fields alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Naomi's alibi.

Smiling man with dark hair and eyebrows with the label "Alibi Check"

Darren Barksdale alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Darren's alibi.

Smiling woman with auburn hair with the label "Alibi Check"

Elena Harte alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Elena's alibi.

Fashionable older woman with blonde hair with the label "Alibi Check"

Chris Frost alibi check

Investigators spoke to potential witnesses to try to corroborate Chris's alibi.

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