Crime scene canvass

On Sunday afternoon and Monday morning, Detectives Murphy and Parker spoke to owners and employees of other businesses near the Harte Agency to find out if anyone witnessed anything potentially relevant to the murder of Annette Wyatt.

These interviews are representative of all interviews conducted.

Mary Danker

Mary Danker, Danker School of Dance

Monday, August 30, 2021 ā€“ 10:00 a.m.


Detective Murphy: Would you please state your name and address for the record?

Mary Danker: My name is Mary Danker, and I live at 317 Windsor Drive North.

Detective Murphy: Where were you on the evening of Saturday, August 28th?

Mary Danker: The night Ms. Wyatt was killed? I left here around 6:30 and went home to work on costume designs for our next recital.

Detective Murphy: Were you in the school on Sunday?

Mary Danker: Sunday belongs to the Lord.

Detective Parker: How well did you know Ms. Wyatt?

Mary Danker: She stopped in a few times, first to ask whether I rented or owned my home, and then to ask whether I felt like moving. She made it seem more like a friendly chat, but that's what her visits amounted to.

Detective Parker: How often would you say she did that?

Mary Danker: Probably every three or four months. She'd ask about upcoming recitals, but I never noticed she attended.

Detective Murphy: Do you have any idea who may have wanted to kill her?

Mary Danker: None whatsoever. I'll tell you this, though. Whenever I'm alone in the school now, I keep the doors locked.


Gin Tressi

Gin Tressi, Holistic Encounters

Sunday, August 29, 2021 ā€“ 5:20 p.m.


Detective Murphy: Would you please state your name and address for the record?

Gin Tressi: My name is Gin Tressi. My address is 508 Shiloh Drive.

Detective Murphy: Where were you on the evening of Saturday, August 28th?

Gin Tressi: I was here from about 10:00 in the morning until 11:30 p.m.

Detective Murphy: May I ask what you were doing?

Gin Tressi: The store is open until 7:00, and then I was taking inventory before preparing and submitting orders for new and replacement stock.

Detective Murphy: What time did you get here today?

Gin Tressi: On Sundays, we don't open until noon, so I got here around 11:30 a.m.

Detective Murphy: Did you see anyone else when you arrived?

Gin Tressi: I didn't notice. I'm sorry.

Detective Parker: Was the store busy Saturday?

Gin Tressi: I probably only had three customers after 5:00, which is pretty typical. I used the time to review catalogs.

Detective Parker: Were the people who stopped in regulars?

Gin Tressi: I think so, yes.

Detective Parker: Could you produce a list of names?

Gin Tressi: I might be able to from the charge slips. Do you want me to do that now?

Detective Parker: Maybe later.

Gin Tressi: Jeff Harte was one of them. I can tell you that. The guy who owns the real estate agency, who owns this strip mall. He said he wanted to pick up something for his wife and then expected to get the stuff at cost.

Detective Murphy: About what time was this?

Gin Tressi: 6:30 p.m. maybe. I hadn't closed yet.

Detective Parker: How did you learn what happened?

Gin Tressi: A customer texted me after seeing the story on the news. Because of my store being here.

Detective Parker: How well did you know Annette Wyatt?

Gin Tressi: I'm not sure if I ever met her.

Detective Murphy: Do you have any idea who might have wanted to kill her?

Gin Tressi: Jeff Harte, if he thought he could profit from her death. Every time I turn around, he's raising rent or hitting me up for incidentals as if the money I pay him every month doesn't cover upkeep and maintenance.


Gerald Chin

Gerald Chin, 24 Convenient

Monday, August 30, 2021 ā€“ 12:10 p.m.


Detective Murphy: Would you please state your name and address for the record?

Gerald Chin: Gerald Chin. 620 Huntington Lane.

Detective Murphy: Where were you on the evening of Saturday, August 28th?

Gerald Chin: Right here, 4:00 p.m. to midnight. I then stayed on until 8:00 a.m. because I was doing a double.

Detective Murphy: Did you hear or see anything strange?

Gerald Chin: I work in an all-night convenience store. Define strange.

Detective Murphy: Knowing that Annette Wyatt was killed right over there, is there anything you heard or saw that now seems significant?

Gerald Chin: No.

Detective Murphy: Were you here on Sunday?

Gerald Chin: Yesterday? When I clocked out at 8:00 a.m., I went home and crashed. I didn't come back here until I clocked in today. Do you hang out at work when you're not working?

Detective Parker: Did you know Annette Wyatt?

Gerald Chin: Sure. She was always popping in here, buying some item or another. She liked Twix and Diet Coke. Every so often, Twinkies. Always paid with exact change.

Detective Parker: Did she come in alone or with other people?

Gerald Chin: Alone.

Detective Parker: Did you ever see her interact with other customers?

Gerald Chin: Interesting question. I can't remember any interactions in particular.

Detective Murphy: Your video surveillance system, are there any cameras set up to record outside the store?

Gerald Chin: No, we just have the inside ones. Sorry.



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