Saturday, September 29 2018
  2 Replies
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Hi I was wondering if someone shoot me in the center of the forehead with a Gold titanium Desert Eagle 50AE using a 300 grain Jacketed hollow point underwood round could I survive that attack?
:o Hopefully this is just for research purposes!

Statistically, (and scientifically) gunshot fatality increases significantly with the caliber of the firearm. Analysis of the likelihood of death found that compared with small-caliber cases, medium caliber had an odds ratio of 2.25% and large caliber had an odds ratio of 4.54%. Based on those simulations, medium- and large-caliber guns increase gun homicides by 39.5%.

"In 1 of 6 cases of criminal assault inflicting a gunshot wound, the victim dies... Whether any such shooting proves fatal is determined by the number and location of wounds and by the size and weight of the bullets, among other variables...It is widely accepted among medical and public health professionals that the likelihood of death in an assault increases with the power of the gun..." (1) However, this does not take into account the improvements that have been made in Major Trauma Treatment and Recovery, or the Intent of The Killer -- both of which are variables that greatly increase the chances of someone becoming a fatality regardless of the caliber of the weapon.

1. Braga, & Cook. (2018). The Association of Firearm Caliber With Likelihood of Death From Gunshot Injury in Criminal Assaults. Jama Network Open. Retrieved (31 May 2023) from
Hi I was wondering if someone shoot me in the center of the forehead with a Gold titanium Desert Eagle 50AE using a 300 grain Jacketed hollow point underwood round could I survive that attack?

I don't think so or at the point anyone would live from a gunshot head wound?
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