Friday, May 05 2023
  7 Replies
  0.9K Visits
:) Hello All! What are your thoughts? Here's what we've gathered so far:

Victim: Tatum, Charles
-- 21-year YCSD veteran, known for his dogged determination to see justice done, even when the odds were against him. Had one of YCSD's top arrest and conviction records, received numerous commendations. Made detective and was assigned to the Vice Squad in 2015.
-- Found dead of an apparent gunshot wound in his apartment, estimated TOD between 2100 hours on
04/12/2023 and 1500 hours on 04/13/2023.
-- Found with naked, with evidence of having intercourse prior to his death.
-- Victim’s law enforcement credentials are currently missing.

Was Tatum looking to make another “big bust” and further his Poster Boy career in the sheriff's department?
Was someone in the YCSD department getting tired of him stealing all of the limelight / jealous of him?
Did someone in town paint a target on his back since he kept so many criminals from his past under constant and continued surveillance?
Detective Volchitsa marked this post as Resolved — 1 year ago
All the suspects are a part of it either way and I am very sure that even if they have no part in the murder at least they were a witness to some of the events!
Suspect: Thomas, Lionel
-- Currently works at Mr. Sparkle Car Wash, has not been quiet about his hate of the victim, wannabe rapper
-- Currently a suspect in several break-ins around the Yoknapatawpha County area
-- “It was only a matter of time before some homies got tired of his crap…I never got my chance…I got much love for the mutha who did get to him…”
-- Sent to the penitentiary by Tatum for selling marijuana
-- Paroled & implicated in several break-ins at victim's TOD
> Allegedly at home with his ‘lady’ at the time of the murder
> Alibi has not been confirmed.

Did the victim have enough people with criminal-backgrounds in town that hated him enough to “end his watch?”
Suspect: Saunders, Marion
-- Currently works as a loan officer at the Bank of Mississippi
-- “I got tired of the cop life. It's hard when you never know when you're going to see your partner. Sometimes he'd get tied up and have to cancel a date or something. I got tired of that…”
-- Rumored as the soon-to-be ex-girlfriend of the victim (they’d only been dating 6 months)
> Allegedly out of town “visiting family” in Houston, TX at the time of the murder
> Alibi has not been confirmed.

Was the victim’s GF tired of him spending more time on cases and his career rather than their relationship?
Is it possible that the victim’s GF found out that he was planning on breaking up with her and had a hissy fit with disastrous consequences?
Suspect: Peterson, Hank
-- Currently works as the owner of The Rebel Yell bar
-- “I try to run a respectable business here…he [the victim] put everyone on notice, he helped keep the riff-raff out…He was right courteous to everyone, the good customers I have, they all liked him and had no problem with him coming around…”
-- Former criminal from beyond YCSD territory, history of having loan-sharking and side-hustle businesses.
-- Being watched by Tatum for possible drug & prostitute activity at his business The Rebel Yell bar
-- History of being “cunning,” I do not believe his show of being a “cop-lover” in this town.
> Allegedly working at the bar at the time of the murder
> Alibi has not been confirmed
Suspect: Johnson, Larry
-- Currently works as a Preacher in Holly Springs at Mt. Pleasant Primitive Baptist Church
-- “I was so full of anger and malice towards that man, I wanted him dead. But let me tell you something: the walls of Parchman penitentiary can cause a fella to reassess his life…I recognized him as the man what saved me. I sent him a letter thanking him for putting me away and helping me find my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
-- Sent to jail by Tatum for 2 years for growing and selling marijuana
-- Paroled long before the victim’s TOD
-- I do not believe in the façade that this man is playing, and I do not agree in people hiding behind religion.
> Allegedly in Holly Springs at the time of the murder
> Alibi has not been confirmed
Suspect: Brutnell, Ricardo
-- Currently works as the owner of Brutnell Body Shop, “among other things”
-- “If I had to choose between this life and going back to prison, I would not hesitate to put him [Tatum] down…”
-- Sent to jail by Tatum for operation of a prostitution ring
-- Paroled and out of prison prior to victim’s TOD
> Allegedly in Atlanta, GA at the time of the murder
> Alibi has not been confirmed
Suspect: Baker, Joseph
-- Currently works the night shift at the Marquis Chevron dealership.
-- “He stopped by where I work one day and said he was just checking to see how I was doing, but I know he was just telling me that he's watching me…He was always harassing me…”
-- 4-year Sentence: 3 Suspended, 3 years parole after release, Released March 20, 2023.
-- Sent to jail for 4 years by Tatum for possession and intent to sell methamphetamine
-- Released 22 days before victim’s TOD
> Allegedly working his night-shift during the time of the murder
> Alibi has not been confirmed
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