Wednesday, May 17 2023
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This case was the one with the rollerblading girl in the ritual murder. I think that she was in agreement with some of the stuff that was going to happen to her but when they explained what else was gonna be done to her she refused to participate with these actions and then she got forced and there was forced upon suicidal ideation rituals. They forced her to kill herself, and she ended up doing by force thus explaining the glass and knife and blood dried on wrists and arms. The way the cuts were on the girls skin was not self done it was done for her and by force. But that is what I think is going on with this case. So, please comment or add on to this case if you find anything wrong or find more information to the case itself.
Detective Masha
Yes the candles surrounding her one side of her body.

The candles are not surrounding her body. They are in the shape of a cross.
Yes the candles surrounding her one side of her body.
Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 000177-10A-2021
Case Description: Katie Masters death investigation

The following preliminary inventory includes items that were taken into evidence from the crime scene in the ladies' restroom at the Kangaroo Express on University Avenue. CSU is still processing the scene and may append this inventory. Additional evidence will be collected by the Coroner's Office at autopsy.

Recovered at the scene:
000177-01 through 000177-18: Eighteen (18) tea light candles, partially used
000177-19: One (1) Jack Chick tract titled "This Was Your Life"
000177-20: One (1) slip of paper with handwritten message reading "Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you
with her eyes 6:25"
000177-21 through 000177-24: Four (4) samples of suspected blood, recovered from sink
000177-25 through 000177-32: Eight (8) samples of suspected blood, recovered from floor
000177-33 through 000177-74: Forty-one (41) full and partial fingerprints

Is the glass on another document, possibly? I'm not seeing it on the evidence list recovered from the scene....
I'm curious, do you have pictures of the candles circling her body? The only pictures that I have seen have the candles in the symbol of a cross to the right of her body on the floor...

Thank you! :) I'm glad that someone else is looking at this case too.
Yes the one with the candles surrounding her dead body and blood everywhere. Also, I am positive that it is a ritual because of the way the candles were surrounding the woman's body and there was glass shards in the evidence summary if you didn't see it then go back and look for it, I know it is there. Also I have no idea who the suspect would be and also I thought I saw the corners report but I will double check on that and get back to you on that.
Are you talking about Roller Deadly -- Victim: Katie Masters?

:) I've been wondering about this case as well, considering that we have never been advised of a final solution after the votes were cast. Who did you vote for as being the likely Suspect?

Why do you believe this to be a ritual murder? Typically, Christians don't conduct ritual killings, and the tea-lights were in the shape of a cross. Do you think it possible that it was a ritual killing that was then staged as a biblically motivated killing?

According to the Scene Evidence Inventory, there was no knife or glass collected at the scene. Did you find documentation of glass being used? I know that there was mention of a knife being a likely killing weapon based on the wounds in the Victim's abdomen. Did I miss something?

What did you make of the luminol-revealed writing on the floor? (TATTFmAN | TALL TTFmAN | TA?? TTF m/n AN | JAU TT FMAN | J AT H En/m OAN) Have you been able to de-code it or gain some kind of clue from it?

I'm concerned that this case will remain unsolved since we don't have Coroner Reports, Blood Writing Analysis, Alibi Checks, Follow-Up Interviews, and other pieces of evidence that I consider to be crucial to the closing of the case. What do you think?

:D Happy Sleuthing!!
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