Thursday, May 25 2023
  1 Replies
  1.1K Visits
Hello, everyone!

This is my first time working on a case. What's the process? I am reading the documents, but I am lost on what to do? Is there a checklist? How are cases solved? Can you work on previous cases? As you can see, I am lost.

Thanks for your help.
Welcome to the Crime Scene Family!! We're happy to have you here!

The process for cases can be both simple and complicated, depending on how involved you want to be. Each week certain types of evidence, interviews, etc. are released by the site Masterminds. It's our duty as Detectives to review these case files and comment on them; discussing with our co-detectives how the information is pertinent or going to be used later in the case. Working with your fellow investigators is the key to understanding a great deal of the case when you're just starting out.

There are no specific check lists, but you can find each piece of the case organized on the right-hand side of the screen under the different case tabs (Introduction, Latest Info, etc.), but it is the Case Files tab that will serve you the best as you work through the case. Once clicked on, this tab is separated into the different case evidence types like Press, Evidence, Interviews, Biographies, etc. Here is where you will find all of the documents that people will comment on to work through the case. This is where the majority of conversation -- both online and offline -- stem from. We take new information and apply it to what we already know, and over the course of several weeks we begin to formulate hypothesis and theories about who committed the crime and why.

Cases are solved when Masterminds release the Case Conclusion/Solution. Sometimes there is a Whodunit Vote prior to the solution being released, but I haven't seen one of those in years.

You can absolutely work on older cases! I adore our Archives! They can be found under the "Previous Cases" tab at the top of your screen. I have also linked some of the older-older cases on my personal timeline for people to access as well. These cases are from the original Crime Scene website, and not all of the information may be available anymore -- but they are still fun to work through.

Feel free to message me or any of your other Detective friends, as we'd all be happy to help you! I hope you enjoy working cases here, and don't worry if you get lost or frustrated; it's a learning process. Don't be afraid to ask questions and interact with others -- that's how you'll pick it [case solving] up fastest.

Happy Sleuthing!
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