Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

What did potential suspects say that cleared them in the 1958 investigators' eyes?

Summaries of 1958 interviews with cleared suspects in the Izard case

1958 cleared suspect interview summaries

Investigation Day 2 — 1958 investigators spoke to the people who were considered potential suspects but were eventually cleared of involvement and/or provided alibi information regarding other suspects.

Meet the 1998 lead YCSD investigator for the Izard case

Detective Terry Nelson re-opened the Izard case in 1998

Terry Nelson biography
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Investigation Day 5 — Terry Nelson was a top YCSD detective and an expert in crime scene analysis.

Did he see something in the Izard case files that previous investigators had missed?

Who ended up on the final suspect list in 1958?

1958 investigators narrowed the suspect list to only a handful

1958 suspect list

Investigation Day 3 — In 1958, YCSD investigators narrowed the originally lengthy suspect list to a shortlist of only a handful.

Are there any clues in the suspects' personnel files?

Jessie Danahy Bowlan Glove personnel file

Jessie Danahy personnel file

Elbert Warren Bowlan Glove personnel file

Elbert Warren personnel file

Investigation Day 4 — In 1958, YCSD investigators got copies of the Bowlan Glove personnel files for all of the laid-off employees.

They paid particular attention to the files of the top suspects. What clues did they find there?

Are there any clues in the suspects' personnel files? (pt 2)

Jessie Danahy Bowlan Glove personnel file

Howard Hadley personnel file

Elbert Warren Bowlan Glove personnel file

Walter Hinkley personnel file

Investigation Day 4 — In 1958, YCSD investigators got copies of the Bowlan Glove personnel files for all of the laid-off employees.

They paid particular attention to the files of all the top suspects. What clues did they find there?

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