Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Professor Lowry got really mad

Hunter recorded a phone call his dad had with Professor Lowry

Professor's angry phone call

Ole Miss professor's conference proposal rejected again

Controversial conference idea rejected again

Dr. Lowry is a popular, if controversial, history professor at Ole Miss

Charles Lowry biography
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Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 3 — So there's this professor named Charles Lowry who's a Civil War history teacher at the university, where my dad teaches anthropology.

After we found the bone, Dr. Lowry got really interested. He called my dad and was pretty mad because he said we were "messing around his work site."

Whatever. We were just looking around.


  1846 Hits

What did the YCCC custodian say he found the night of the murder?

Norm Resol, YCCC night custodian

Norm Resol interview

Norm Resol bio
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Investigation Day 3 — Norm Resol was working the overnight custodial shift at the Yoknapatawpha County Conference Center the night of the murder.

Did he see who might've had contact with Barbara that night?

  2748 Hits

Just what has the YCCC custodian done in the past?

Norm Resol's rap sheet

Norm Resol criminal history

Investigation Day 3 — What offenses are in Norm Resol's checkered past?

  2527 Hits

What did the YCCC bartender see the night of the murder?

Bob Niwachee, YCCC bartender

Bob Niwachee interview

Bob Niwachee bio
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Investigation Day 3 — Bob Niwachee was working in the lounge at the Yoknapatawpha County Conference Center the night of the pageant gala..

How many of the potential suspects did he see that night after the gala ended?

  2602 Hits

How did Barbara's former sponsor feel about being fired?

Sam Tuttle, Barbara's former sponsor

Sam Tuttle interview

Sam Tuttle bio
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Investigation Day 2 — Sam Tuttle sponsored Barbara in pageants for years until he was abruptly fired in 2014.

Who does he blame and how does he feel about Barbara now?

  2542 Hits

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Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

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Examine the evidence to solve a murder. Dust evidence for prints & test fabric for the presence of blood.

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