Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

The local media was surprised by the arrest. Were you?

Surprise arrest in beauty queen murder case

Surprise arrest

Investigation Day 14 — The Oxford Weekly Planet didn't see this arrest coming.

Did you?

What were detectives looking for at the Lamar plac...
What does Mary know about the latest discoveries i...


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Thursday, March 13 2025

Latent Fingerprint Kit

 $ 44.00

A real print kit, fully stocked with instructions and enough supplies for at least 50 different print lifts.

ForensiKit Subscription Box


$ 44- 54

Explores a different crime scene processing technique each month.

Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

$ 75.00 $ 50.00

Examine the evidence to solve a murder. Dust evidence for prints & test fabric for the presence of blood.

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