Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Gramps found some new info to help us

Rachel asked her grandfather for help with a few more questions

Rachel's video message

Gramps replied with some answers to Rachel's questions

Gramps emails a reply

The Kudzu Kids got a copy of a memo Professor Lowry sent to the tenure committee

Prof. Lowry tenure memo

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 10 — Even though we're both out of town (in different places), Grandpa and I are still investigating.

I sent him a video message to ask him some more questions. 

He answered me back pretty fast with some surprising news and a warning.

  1855 Hits

Can Lucille ID anyone she saw at the YCCC the night of the murder?

Lucille Ruffin-Moore follow-up interview

Lucille Ruffin-Moore 2nd interview

Investigation Day 10 — In her first interview, Lucille Ruffin-Moore mentioned seeing several people when she was at the YCCC the night Barbara was killed.

Will she be able to ID anyone she saw or provide any additional details?

  1406 Hits

Did Beatrice Carmichael take any secrets to her grave?

Beatrice Carmichael obituary

Carmichael obituary

Investigation Day 10 — Beatrice Carmichael passed away a few days after she spoke with Doris Hammack.

  1420 Hits

How much does Bill Dykman know about what happened to Andy?

Examine the relevant case files

What did Andy's brother-in-law tell the detectives?

Bill Dykman interview
  available exclusively to
  Case Detectives for a limited time

Please log in or subscribe to view.

Bill Dykman biography
  exclusive info for Case Detectives
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Investigation Day 10 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to Robyn Dykman's husband, Bill, to find out what he could tell them about what went on the night of July 3rd.


  1612 Hits

What did Andy's sister-in-law tell the detectives?

Examine the relevant case files

What did Andy's sister-in-law tell the detectives?

Robyn Dykman interview
  available exclusively to
  Case Detectives for a limited time

Please log in or subscribe to view.

Robyn Dykman biography
  exclusive info for Case Detectives
Please log in or subscribe to view.

Investigation Day 10 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked with Cindy's sister, Robyn, to find out what light she could shed on Cindy, Andy, their relationship and what happened the night of July 3rd.


  1776 Hits

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Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

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