Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

New evidence. New DNA. New answers?

Updated DNA analysis in the Dubois investigation

Updated DNA analysis

Investigation Day 17 — Investigators have collected some new evidence and new samples recently.

Did any of it shed new light on the case when compared with the previous findings?

  1690 Hits

Is Carl clueless or clever?

Examine the relevant case files

Is Carl clueless or clever?

Carl Fine interview #3

Investigation Day 17 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy tried one more time to find out what Carl really knew about Andy & Cindy's relationship.

  1662 Hits

Does Dudley have more to say about Andy's murder?

Examine the relevant case files

Is Dudley hiding something?

Dudley Brinkman interview #2

Investigation Day 17 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy asked Dudley to come in again to see if he could clear up some unanswered questions.

  1712 Hits

Will Andy & Cindy's phone calls lead to the killer?

Examine the relevant case files

Who did Andy and Cindy call?

Fine phone records

Investigation Day 17 — Investigators obtained the call records for Andy and Cindy Fine's cell phones in the days surrounding his disappearance and the subsequent discovery of his body.

  1872 Hits

Is Cindy finally ready to tell us the truth?

Examine the relevant case files

Will Cindy finally come clean?

Cindy Fine interview #3

Investigation Day 17 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy went to Cindy Fine one more time to see if there was anything she wanted to add to her story so far.

  1635 Hits

Latent Fingerprint Kit

 $ 44.00

A real print kit, fully stocked with instructions and enough supplies for at least 50 different print lifts.

ForensiKit Subscription Box


$ 44- 54

Explores a different crime scene processing technique each month.

Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

$ 75.00 $ 50.00

Examine the evidence to solve a murder. Dust evidence for prints & test fabric for the presence of blood.

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