Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

We found out more about General Shegog from the library and his papers

The Kudzu Kids did some research to find out something about General Shegog

General Shegog biography
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The Kudzu Kids found a poem General Shegog wrote in Mrs. Shegog's attic

General Shegog's poem

The Kudzu Kids found General Shegog's journal in Mrs. Shegog's attic

General Shegog's journal

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 8 — We found some of General Shegog's papers in that trunk in Mrs. Shegog's attic.

Some of the stuff was boring, but his journal and this poem he wrote looked kind of interesting.

  1914 Hits

We met a descendant of General Shegog

The Kudzu Kids visited Mrs. Shegog at her home in Oxford

Mildred Shegog interview

The Kudzu Kids found Mildred Shegog, a descendant of the Civil War general, currently living in Oxford

Mildred Shegog biography
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From the Oxford Weekly Planet archives — Oxonian Mildred Shegog wins Ms. Senior Mississippi

Shegog wins pageant

The Kudzu Kids found a family tree in a Shegog family Bible in the attic

Shegog family tree

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 8 — We found a lady living here in town who's related to that Civil War general, Nathaniel Wallace Shegog.

Mrs. Shegog let us come over and talk to her, and she even let us look through the general's old things up in her attic.

  1805 Hits

Does Denny have anything to add to what he told detectives before?

Denny Buchanan follow-up interview

Denny Buchanan 2nd interview

Investigation Day 8 — Denny Buchanan doesn't lack confidence in himself or his ability to spin the narrative in his own favor.

Is he spinning any aspects of what happened the night Barbara was murdered?

  1492 Hits

What does Ingrid suddenly want to tell the detectives?

Ingrid Freeman follow-up interview

Ingrid Freeman 2nd interview

Investigation Day 8 — Out of the blue, Ingrid Freeman called the detectives, saying she had info that would "blow this case wide open."

What does she know, and why does she want to talk about it now?

  1392 Hits

What did detectives find when they searched Norm's place?

Search of Norm Resol's residence and vehicle

Norm Resol search

Investigation Day 8 — Investigators searched Norm's home and pickup truck for any evidence connection him to Barbara Dubois and/or her murder.

Did they find anything incriminating?

  1488 Hits

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