Rosalie Hansen interview #2
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 – 4:15 p.m.
Rosalie Hansen was the customer present at the Kangaroo Express when the body of Katie Masters was found.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective Ted Armstrong
- Detective Samantha Murphy
- Rosalie Hansen
Detective Murphy: Rosalie, take a seat and for the record, please state your name and address.
Rosalie Hansen: My name is Rosalie Hansen, and I live at 722 Shady Oaks Circle in Oxford.
Detective Murphy: You seem calmer than the last time we talked to you.
Rosalie Hansen: Thanks to you, Detective Murphy. I've been able to sleep at night without having nightmares. I appreciate the help you gave me in finding a doctor to talk to.
Detective Murphy: You're welcome. I'm glad she's helping you through this.
Detective Armstrong: Rosalie, tell us again why you were at the service station.
Rosalie Hansen: I had to use the bathroom. After we called the police, I used the men's room. That's how desperate I was. Normally, I would never do that, but I didn't have a choice.
Detective Murphy: Since the last time we talked, have you remembered anything else about what happened that night?
Rosalie Hansen: When I was talking to the doctor about … what happened, I remembered that I saw that girl once a few weeks ago at the station. I was putting gas in my car, and I remember seeing her and another girl, but they didn't pay any attention to me. That girl was too busy flirting with Jimmy, the clerk.
Detective Murphy: Do you remember what made you notice them?
Rosalie Hansen: I noticed because her friend seemed agitated at her and wanted to leave. I think she was teasing him, and the friend didn't like it.
Detective Murphy: Is this the friend you saw her with?
Rosalie Hansen: Yes, I remember that blonde hair.
Detective Armstrong: Did you know Jimmy before this murder happened?
Rosalie Hansen: I may have seen him, but I really didn't pay much attention. I don't stop there too often, and I always pay at the pump, so I don't need to go inside.
Detective Armstrong: What was Jimmy's demeanor after you discovered the body and went to call the police?
Rosalie Hansen: He was very shaky while we waited for the police. He couldn't sit still. He kept saying, " Who could have done such a thing?"
Detective Armstrong: Did you ask him if he knew her?
Rosalie Hansen: He said he'd seen her at the station but never knew her name. He told me she would flirt with him, but he didn't think she really meant it, and she was just having fun with him. That's why he never asked her out. He thought she would laugh at him.
Detective Armstrong: Sounds like you two talked a lot.
Rosalie Hansen: I think it was just nervous energy, something to fill the silence so we wouldn't have to think about what we'd seen in the restroom.
Detective Armstrong: Maybe it was guilt. Did you have any kind of involvement in the murder of Katie Masters?
Rosalie Hansen: My god! How could you think such a thing? I can't fathom any possible reason I would want to kill that girl. I didn't even know her. Besides, I could never be that cruel to anyone.
Detective Murphy: While you were waiting for the police to arrive, did you notice anything unusual or anybody hanging around?
Rosalie Hansen: I don't remember seeing anyone that looked out of the ordinary, but I wasn't thinking straight. Do you think the killer might have been watching us? Thinking about it sends chills up my spine.
Detective Murphy: I'm sorry that we have to bring all this up again, but we need all the information we can get to catch this killer. Have you thought any more about the man that you saw in the car that sped past you?
Rosalie Hansen: I wish I could be of more help. I've tried to remember things about the car and tried to envision the man's face, but I can't. I only remember he had dark hair. Whoever he was, I hope you find this monster soon.
Detective Armstrong: Thank you for coming in today. If you remember anything, please feel free to call.
Interview ended – 4:31 p.m.