What happened when Charley found the hidden room?

Charley Jacobs interview

Charley Jacobs was working a construction job at the Shops and Stores building on the Ole Miss campus when he discovered a hidden room with a "creepy" message inside.

David Anderson investigated the 1987 case with Det. Nelson

David Anderson interview

David Anderson worked the 1987 case. He left the YCSD in 1997 and now works as a private investigator throughout north Mississippi.

Tomas explained how he happened to find the young man's body

Tomas Robards interview (1987)

On his way to work on the morning of December 13, 1987, Ole Miss Physical Plant employee Tomas Robards discovered a body on the roadside.

Nick talked about Kevin's friends, academics and how long he'd been missing

Nick Crosby interview (1987)

Det. Nelson talked to Nick about his roommate, Kevin Gilmore, and why he hadn't reported Kevin missing.

Carly hadn't seen her boyfriend, Kevin, for two days

Carly Brock interview (1987)

Det. Nelson spoke to Ole Miss sophomore Carly Brock about her boyfriend, Kevin Gilmore.

Richie says he last saw Kevin on Thursday night

Richie Turner interview (1987)

Richie told Det. Nelson about his longtime friendship with Kevin and Kevin's relationships with the other people in his life.

Donny and Judy were devastated by their only son's death

Donald & Judith Gilmore interview (1987)

Kevin's parents talked to Det. Nelson about their son and what was going on in his life in the time leading up to his death.

Dr. Madison was the Ole Miss basketball team physician

Dr. Raymond Madison interview (1987)

The detectives talked to the team physician for the Ole Miss men's basketball team about Kevin Gilmore's health.

Buzz often comes forward with "information" about ongoing investigations

Buzz Dakota interview (1987)

Buzz Dakota came in to tell Detective Nelson about something he witnessed that he said is important to the Kevin Gilmore investigation.

Brad Peterson is the Ole Miss men's basketball coach

Brad Peterson interview (1987)

Detective Nelson spoke to the Ole Miss men's basketball coach about Kevin's behavior on the team and with his teammates.

Investigators canvassed Kevin's teammates

Teammate interviews (1987)

In the days following the discovery of Kevin Gilmore's body, YCSD officers canvassed Kevin's teammates for information about him and his recent whereabouts.

Jason didn't mince words when asked about Kevin

Jason Finnegan interview (1987)

After multiple witnesses commented on Jason Finnegan's negative relationship with Kevin, Detective Nelson decided to conduct a one-on-one interview with Jason himeslf.

The Juke Joint patrons talked to investigators about Kevin

The Juke Joint patron interviews (1987)

The YCSD canvassed patrons of The Juke Joint where Kevin Gilmore worked, looking for anyone who knew or had seen Kevin there.

The Juke Joint staff told investigators about Kevin

The Juke Joint staff interviews (1987)

The YCSD canvassed Kevin Gilmore's boss and co-workers at The Juke Joint to learn about their relationships with him and when they last saw him.

Interviews with employees and contractors at the Shops and Stores building

Physical Plant employee canvass

The YCSD canvassed employees and contractors who were working in and around the Physical Plant Shops and Stores building when the hidden room was found.

Carly had some surprising revelations about what Kevin might've been doing the night he disappeared

Carly Brock Turner interview (2011)

Carly Turner had some surprising revelations about what Kevin Gilmore might really have been doing the night he disappeared and how it could have led to his death.

Richie revealed a confrontation he had after Kevin's funeral with someone close to Kevin

Richie Turner interview (2011)

Richie Turner told Detective Armstrong about a confrontation he had not long after Kevin's funeral with someone else who was close to Kevin.

Nick recalled theories from 1987 about what had happened to Kevin

Nick Crosby interview (2011)

The detectives talked to Nick Crosby, Kevin Gilmore's roommate at the time of his death, via video chat from his office in Connecticut.

The Gilmores still yearn to know why their son died

Donald & Judith Gilmore interview (2011)

The detectives spoke to Kevin's parents to find out if they'd come across any new information about Kevin's life or death since 1987.

LeeAnn wanted to talk about the last time she saw Kevin

LeeAnn Elliot interview

Kevin's Aunt LeeAnn contacted the detectives about some things Kevin said the last time she saw him.

The YCSD agreed not to use this witness's real name or likeness

Jill Ferris* interview

*Given what she had to say, the YCSD has agreed not to use this witness's real name or likeness in public documents.

Buzz said he had important info about the Kevin Gilmore case

Buzz Dakota interview (2011)

Local eccentric Buzz Dakota came forward with "information" about Kevin Gilmore's death.

Multiple witnesses in 1987 reported that Jason and Kevin didn't get along

Jason Finnegan interview (2011)

Multiple witnesses in 1987 reported that Jason and Kevin didn't get along.

What do 1987 patrons of The Juke Joint remember about Kevin?

The Juke Joint 1987 patron re-canvass (2011)

The YCSD tried to find as many of The Juke Joint patrons who were interviewed in 1987 as possible to re-interview them about Kevin and the circumstances surrounding his death.

2011 interviews of 1987 staff of The Juke Joint

The Juke Joint 1987 staff re-canvass (2011)

The YCSD tried to find as many of Kevin Gilmore's former co-workers as possible to re-interview them about Kevin and the circumstances surrounding his death.

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