Elliot Fowler interview

The detectives asked Diane's pharmacist about her medications.

Dr. John Lipinski interview

The detectives spoke with Diane Coates's primary physician about her medical history and condition.

Genevieve Talley interview

The detectives talked to Ms. Talley after speaking with her husband earlier the same day.

Genevieve Talley bio

Genevieve and her husband moved to Oxford after she accepted a management position there.

Landon Talley interview

The detectives identified Landon Talley as a non-work associate of Diane Coates.

Landon Talley bio

Landon and his wife moved to Oxford, where he now owns a restaurant.

Bernadette Guthrie interview

Bernadette Guthrie worked with Diane Coates and spoke to Mrs. Coates just before she collapsed.

Sylvia Payton interview

Sylvia Payton worked with Diane Coates and attended the conference where Mrs. Coates collapsed.

Kenneth Jay Jackson interview

Kenneth Jay Jackson spoke to the detectives about his interactions with Diane Coates

Kate Sugarman interview

Kate Sugarman spoke to the detectives about her interactions with Diane Coates.

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