Naomi Temple neighbor canvass

The Kudzu Kids talked to people in Naomi's neighborhood, pretending to be completing extra-credit assignments for school.


Brett Davis
construction foreman

Mr. Davis said he hadn't noticed any more dogs in the area than usual.

"And I'm the type of person who would notice any increase in barking. I need my beauty sleep."


Vera Lynn
business woman

"I can't remember the last time I saw a stray. Harold here, he'd tell me if there were any strange dogs in the area. You're a good guard dog, aren't you, Harold?"

"He's also a walker. Three times a day, five miles if he's in the mood. I'm lucky I've got that nice Naomi Temple next door. She takes him out whenever I can't."

When asked if Naomi walked lots of dogs, Mrs. Lynn shook her head. "It's not a business or anything. She just likes animals."


Missy Plack

"As if that Naomi girl would allow stray dogs in her neighborhood. Do you know what she did?"

"I hung Pudgy’s cage out on the porch, and while I was inside making a grilled cheese sandwich, that Naomi marched right on over and took her. Left me a note that I could come down to the shelter to get my bird back. She called me neglectful!"


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