Miss Zina told the Kudzu Kids about an issue that's been worrying her

Zina Jacinto

Zina Jacinto interview

The Kudzu Kids visited their friend Miss Zina, as they do a few times every week.

Mr. Sampson manages the pet supply store where all the missing dog flyers were posted

Chuck Sampson

Chuck Sampson interview

The Kudzu Kids talked to the Yoknapatawpha Pet Supply manager about the missing dog flyers posted at his store.

Has Officer Scott noticed more missing dogs than usual lately?

Riley Scott

Riley Scott interview

The Kudzu Kids spoke to the county animal control officer about the missing dogs.

The Kudzu Kids talked to local vets about the missing dogs

Local veterinarians

Veterinarian canvass

The Kudzu Kids talked to local veterinarians about all the missing dogs.

The Kudzu Kids talked to employees at the Yoknapatawpha County Humane Society


Shelter employee canvass

The Kudzu Kids talked to employees at the local animal shelter about all of the missing dogs.

Naomi is certainly unusual, but does she actually know something?

Naomi Temple

Naomi Temple interview

The Kudzu Kids spoke to a shelter volunteer about all the missing dogs.

Joey doesn't care much about animals, but would he make them disappear?

Joey Sims

Joey Sims interview

The Kudzu Kids spoke to a local veterinary technician about the missing dogs.

The Osbornes disagree about what happened to their missing dog

Andy & Charlene Osborne

Andy & Charlene Osborne interview

Mrs. Osborne's theory about where their dog is wasn't what Rachel and Zach were expecting.

Did Mr. Guyton make a mistake that let his dog run away?

Franklin Guyton

Franklin Guyton interview

Mr. Guyton can't understand how or why his dog got out of his backyard.

The Wilsons dog has special needs and may be suffering without their help

Lawrence & Kiki Wilson

Lawrence & Kiki Wilson interview

The Wilsons told Rachel and Zach that they're particularly worried because their dog requires special attention.

George doesn't really like Bolt but can't bear to give him away

George Donnelly

George Donnelly interview

Mr. Donnelly welcomed the Kudzu Kids' help finding his dog, in addition to the unusual assistance he was already getting.

Have Naomi's neighbors noticed more dogs in the neighborhood lately?

Naomi's neighbors

Naomi Temple neighbor canvass

Have any of Naomi's neighbors noticed anything unusual lately?

What do Naomi's former classmates have to say about her?

Naomi's peers

Naomi Temple peer canvass

What do Naomi's acquaintances from high school have to say about her?

How upset is Ignatius about the missing Tony?

The Hambletts

Ignatius & Sally Hamblett interview

Is Mr. Hamblett's reaction to their missing dog unusual?

Why did Mrs. Hamblett rush away from her husband and the Kudzu Kids?

Sally Hamblett

Sally Hamblett interview

What does Mrs. Hamblett have to add to what her husband told the Kudzu Kids?

What possible lead did the Prestons give Rachel?

The Prestons

Vince & Quinn Preston interview

Do the Prestons know how their precious pooch, Lois, disappeared?
Can Ms. Starks clear up the confusion about when Lucky Rickard disappeared?

Susan Starks

Susan Starks interview

Could Ms. Starks help the Kudzu Kids understand more about Ms. Rickard and her missing dog?

Sarah is no fan of Joey's, but is he really up to no good?

Sarah Fogarty

Sarah Fogarty interview

What does Ms. Fogarty know about her co-worker Joey Sims?

Neighbors say the Youngs have video cameras all around their house

The Youngs

David & Becky Young interview

A few people have mentioned that the Youngs might have information that could help the Kudzu Kids.

Dr. Lamar helped the Kudzu Kids find clues in the security video

William Lamar

William Lamar interview

The Kudzu Kids asked Dr. Lamar for advice on some evidence they collected recently.

Melody asked Mr. Reynolds for help identifying the man in the security video

Jack Reynolds

Jack Reynolds interview

Following up on a clue led the Kudzu Kids to Mr. Reynolds.

Det. Armstrong met with the Kudzu Kids about their case

Det. Armstrong

Det. Armstrong interview

The Kudzu Kids decided to discuss their investigation with Detective Armstrong.

The Kudzu Kids updated Miss Zina on what they've learned so far

Zina Jacinto

Zina Jacinto interview #2

The Kudzu Kids visited Miss Zina again to update her on their investigation.

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