Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Will you help save the Kudzu Kids?

Can you find the missing treasure and save the Kudzu Kids?

Find the Kudzu Kids

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 13 — Hunter, Zach and Mel are trapped in the tunnels!

And the tunnels may be flooding!

Will you help me find the hidden tunnels and save the Kudzu Kids?


  1919 Hits

Zach, Hunter and Melody are trapped!

Rachel found out about some alarming voicemail messages about the other Kudzu Kids

Voicemail messages

Rachel received some disturbing text messages from Zach on Sunday evening

Zach texts Rachel

Kudzu Kids reported missing

Kudzu Kids reported missing

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 12 — All of a sudden, things got really scary yesterday.

No one can find Hunter, Zach and Melody.

It looks like they're trapped somewhere in the tunnels under the campus.


  2178 Hits

We're starting to put the pieces together

Rachel has been using her time away to review the evidence and figure out where the investigation stands

Rachel's case notes

The Kudzu Kids have been staying in touch with each other while Rachel's out of town

Kudzu Kids emails

The Kudzu Kids found a way to combine the map Kevin Stark had with the 1861 map of the University of Mississippi campus

Map combo

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 11 — Me and the other Kudzu Kids are starting to figure out what all these clues mean.

I made a list of what we've learned so far. 

Hunter's keeping me up to date on what he and Mel and Zach are doing back in Oxford.

Zach figured out how to put the two old maps together

  2010 Hits

Gramps found some new info to help us

Rachel asked her grandfather for help with a few more questions

Rachel's video message

Gramps replied with some answers to Rachel's questions

Gramps emails a reply

The Kudzu Kids got a copy of a memo Professor Lowry sent to the tenure committee

Prof. Lowry tenure memo

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 10 — Even though we're both out of town (in different places), Grandpa and I are still investigating.

I sent him a video message to ask him some more questions. 

He answered me back pretty fast with some surprising news and a warning.

  1854 Hits

We tracked down that phone number from Prof. Lowry's trash

The Kudzu Kids tried to talk to Ole Miss student Kevin Stark

Attempted Kevin Stark interview

The Kudzu Kids found an image of an old map that Kevin Stark scanned in the computer lab

Hand-drawn map

The Kudzu Kids found an 1861 map of the University of Mississippi campus

1861 campus map

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 9 — We found out that phone number belongs to an Ole Miss student, Kevin Stark.

We tried to talk to him and later saw him on campus.

We were pretty surprised when we discovered what he was doing.

  1922 Hits

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A real print kit, fully stocked with instructions and enough supplies for at least 50 different print lifts.

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Explores a different crime scene processing technique each month.

Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

$ 75.00 $ 50.00

Examine the evidence to solve a murder. Dust evidence for prints & test fabric for the presence of blood.

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