Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

We wanted to find out more about the university during the Civil War

Rachel shared an excerpt of a report she wrote on the University of Mississippi during the Civil War

Ole Miss and the Civil War

Rachel shared an excerpt of a report she wrote on the University Greys

The University Greys

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 6 — After we found out how the Y Building was used during the Civil War, we spent a whole afternoon in the Ole Miss library looking through the stuff in the Civil War special collections room.

We came across some letters written by Southern soldiers who were in Oxford in 1862.

Maybe they can tell us something about the bone we found? Or why Professor Lowry is so mad?

Gramps gave us a little help
We found letters from some Southern Civil War sold...


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Tuesday, March 11 2025

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