Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Do the Crime Lab findings on the search evidence ID Kelly's killer?

Examine the relevant case files

Analysis of evidence collected during searches in the Moran case

Search evidence analysis
  available exclusively to
  Case Detectives for a limited time.

Please log in or subscribe to view.

Moran case fingerprint analysis - updated

Updated fingerprint analysis
  available exclusively to
  Case Detectives for a limited time.

Please log in or subscribe to view.

Investigation Day 14 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy submitted the evidence they collected during the searches to the Crime Lab for analysis.

The lab provided reports on their preliminary findings.


  2620 Hits

The detectives think Kenny may be withholding some info. Do you?

Examine the relevant case files

Will Kenny the CI tie up any loose ends in the investigation?

Kenny Ross 2nd interview

Investigation Day 8 —The detectives asked Kenny Ross to come in again to find out if he, as a person familiar with the drug trade, might have information about any persons of interest in this investigation.


  2440 Hits

What evidence did the detectives find when they executed the search warrants?

Examine the relevant case files

Searches for evidence in the Kelly Moran investigation

Moran case search inventories

Investigation Day 14 — Pursuant to orders from the court, YCSD investigators searched the residences of persons of interest in the Kelly Moran homicide investigation.


  2155 Hits

Did David notice more about the ladies than he originally mentioned?

Examine the relevant case files

David has a unique perspective on Kelly and her circle of friends

David Estrada 2nd interview

Investigation Day 7 — The detectives wanted to get David Estrada's input on some open questions, including a few potentially related to his profession


  2040 Hits

Which suspects' alibis couldn't be verified?

Examine the relevant case files

Moran case alibis

Alibi check

Investigation Day 9 — Investigators summarized the alibis for persons of interest in the Kelly Moran homicide investigation and whether those alibis could be corroborated.


  1994 Hits

Latent Fingerprint Kit

 $ 44.00

A real print kit, fully stocked with instructions and enough supplies for at least 50 different print lifts.

ForensiKit Subscription Box


$ 44- 54

Explores a different crime scene processing technique each month.

Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

$ 75.00 $ 50.00

Examine the evidence to solve a murder. Dust evidence for prints & test fabric for the presence of blood.

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