Diane Coates bio

Diane Coates collapsed at a reception and later diedDiane Coates and her husband moved to Oxford about seven years ago. She worked at Ole Miss and enjoyed socializing around town.

Sandra Moss bio

DOB: 1/14/74
Occupation: Sr. Project Manager
Hometown: Knoxville, TN
Relationship to case: Victim's supervisor
Excerpt: "Sandra had complained often to David about Diane Coates. She told him that..."

Rupert Coates bio

DOB: 2/7/62
Occupation: Architect
Hometown: Chattanooga, TN
Relationship to case: Victim's husband
Excerpt: "Rupert was a quiet, reflective man, and people who knew both of them commented on how..."

Landon Talley bio

DOB: 8/12/62
Occupation: Restaurateur
Hometown: Decatur, GA
Relationship to case: Victim's lover
Excerpt: "Landon thought the affair was just another brief flirtation, but Diane insisted on..."

Genevieve Talley bio

DOB: 3/19/67
Occupation: Bank vice president
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Relationship to case: Victim's lover's wife
Excerpt: "Genevieve stood at the ready … but he never followed through. Meanwhile, [she] suffered…"

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