Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Incident Report'

Incident report

YCSD Emergency Services received a 911 call reporting a body at a local residence.

Smirking man with dark hair, scruffy facial hair, and sunglasses

Victor Jennings bio

Victor was a literary agent who represented authors of tell-alls or unauthorized biographies.

Smiling woman with curly hair pulled back

Lee Merryweather bio

Lee hoped her job as Victor's assistant would help her break into the Hollywood scene.

Smiling woman with curly hair pulled back

Lee Merryweather interview

Back at the station, the detectives spoke to the woman who found the body.

Serious-looking man with dark hair and a dark mustache and goatee

Raymond Jennings bio

As Victor's younger brother, Ray grew up in his shadow and under his thumb.

Serious-looking man with dark hair and a dark mustache and goatee

Raymond Jennings interview

The detectives met with Victor's brother to learn more about him.

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