Karma Kills


A man on house arrest awaiting trial was found dead in his home. Is one of his many enemies responsible?

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Find out what's happened so far in the Case Recap.

Latest News

Kristin Colby interview

The detectives talked to Terri's roommate, Kristin, about her interactions with Victor.

Kristin Colby bio

Kristin dreams of being famous and has devoted herself to establishing a successful modeling career.

License plates of Jennings visitors

Victor's neighbor Zina Jacinto provided a list of cars she saw the day he was killed.

Lee Merryweather interview #2

The detectives asked Lee more about Victor and the day she found his body.

Zina Jacinto interview

The detectives talked to Victor's neighbor across the street to learn more about his activities.

Zina Jacinto bio

After a difficult childhood, Zina became an eccentric neighborhood "cat lady" as an adult.

About the current investigationControversial literary agent Victor Jennings was found dead in a pool of blood on his kitchen floor.

Jennings was on house arrest awaiting trial on extortion charges when he died.

Is one of Victor's many enemies responsible for his death?

Ready to get started? Check out the Case Introduction and the Case Recap. Then, review the Latest Case Information.

How to navigate Crime Scene casesThe Karma Kills case documents are presented in reverse chronological order in the Case Files.

  • Click the Evidence, Interview, Biography, or Press tag at the top of the Case Files page to filter by document type.

  • Click the Day tags at the top of the Case Files page to filter case documents by the day they happened in the investigation.

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The Karma Kills investigation began on Monday, March 10, 2025, and will run for about six weeks.


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